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CSS Margin And Padding: A Detailed Overview 

August 30, 2023

Written and researched byexperts at Avada

Padding and margin are no longer vague technical terms in website building, especially CSS. This article presents a more profound knowledge of the two things, offering comprehensive insights and practical guidance on their proper usage.

Key Takeaways

  • Margins refer to spacing between elements, while padding manages the space within an element.
  • There are five significant differences between margin and padding in CSS that website developers must be aware of not to use interchangeably.
  • Margins should be used to reposition elements on the page, set the space among nearby elements, and overlap them.
  • Padding is helpful for adding space between content and its border and changing elements’ size.
  • Step-by-step instructions with illustrative examples help you manage how to add margin and padding in CSS.
  • The article also provides practical tips for using margins and padding properly in CSS.

What Are Margin And Padding?

What Are Margin And Padding?

Margin is the space around the content area, allowing you to change the size of the content space by either deleting or adding more gaps around the elements. 

In the CSS box model, margins play a role in enclosing HTML elements and repositioning them vertically or horizontally on the webpage. Importantly, margins are transparent spaces around elements and usually lack a background color.

On the other hand, padding is the space between an element’s content and its border. It adds extra space within an element, maintaining a specific distance from other parts of a website. This becomes particularly beneficial for maintaining alignment between text boxes and images that need to be separated.

Unlike margin properties, padding controls the space within a container. This means you can use padding to arrange and visualize how multiple elements sit within the container. It’s particularly effective in displaying elements against specific backgrounds and is significantly influenced by background colors.

What’s the Difference

Between Margin and Padding in CSS?

What’s the difference between margin and padding in CSS?

Understanding both the differences and similarities between padding and margins is essential to use them effectively. Then, you can determine how to integrate these elements into your site design.

Padding Is Affected By Background Color While Margin Is Not

The spaces formed by padding or margin are mostly unseen, but when a background color is introduced, padding often adopts the element’s color and becomes visible

In contrast, margins are mainly transparent and remain unaffected by background color adjustments, making padding noticeable alongside the background.

Margin Can Be Set To Auto While Padding Cannot

A frequent hindrance is centering an element. However, this challenge can be overcome by applying “margin: auto” to elements with a fixed width, effortlessly achieving horizontal centering. 

However, remember that this tip doesn’t work for padding, as it cannot be set to “auto.”

Padding Controls The Space Inside While Margin Controls The Space Between Elements

It may be paradoxical, considering our earlier statement that both margin and padding are essential in managing spacing in web design. This similarity serves as a fundamental basis for their primary difference.

Based on their definitions, padding enables developers to manage the space between an element’s content and its specific border. In contrast, margins involve the distance between the border and all surrounding elements.

In simpler words, margins handle spacing between elements, while padding manages the space within an element.

Padding Can Ignore Inline Elements While Margin Cannot

When you add padding to an inline element, it changes the element’s left and right sides, not the top and bottom. Conversely, setting margins, in the same way, impacts all four sides, containing both top and bottom arrangements.

Margin Can Be Negative While Padding CanNot 

Negative margins are frequently used to achieve appealing element overlaps for unique web design layouts. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to recognize that padding values can solely be positive. Attempting to assign a negative padding value will cause borders to infringe upon the content, potentially reducing the content area below its actual size.

When to Use Margin vs. Padding

When to Use Margin vs Padding

When editing your design layout, you need to decide whether to modify margins or padding to achieve the intended visual outcome. The following section will outline typical scenarios for using each property, beginning with margins.

Uses for Margins

CSS margins define the area around an element. Hence, margins use in: 

Change an Element’s Position on the Page

CSS margins can reposition an element vertically or horizontally on a page. When dealing with a fixed page width, achieving horizontal centering is easy by applying the value “margin: auto.”

Set the Distance Between Nearby Elements

Margins define the space between neighboring elements, known as whitespace. This whitespace is crucial for enhancing the visual appeal of web pages. For instance, add margins to create space between images or between an image and the accompanying text description.

Overlap Elements

Conversely, using a negative margin value permits element overlap on the webpage, proving useful when aiming for a broken grid effect.

Uses for Padding

CSS padding controls the appearance of content within its designated element. You can modify CSS padding to achieve the following effects.

Add Space Between Content and Its Border

This represents the most prevalent padding application, creating internal whitespace within your elements.

Change the Size of an Element

Increasing the padding value maintains the content’s size while presenting extra space around it. This is advantageous for interactive elements such as buttons, enlarging the clickable area as desired.

How To Add Margin in CSS

To add margins to an image element within a WordPress post, adhere to the steps below:

  • Step 1: Navigate to WordPress Dashboard -> Appearance -> Customize.
How To Add Margin in CSS-1
  • Step 2: Select the specific post to edit.
  • Step 3: Locate and click on the Additional CSS tab within the side menu.
How To Add Margin in CSS-2
  • Step 4: Type in the margin value. For instance:
    img {
    margin: -20px 5px;
How To Add Margin in CSS-3
  • Step 5: Save the edits. 

How to Add Padding in CSS

The tutorial presents how to add padding to a heading element within a WordPress post.

  • Step 1: Navigate to WordPress Dashboard -> Appearance -> Customize.
How to Add Padding in CSS-1
  • Step 2: Click on the page or post. 
  • Step 3: Locate and click on the Additional CSS tab within the side menu.
How to Add Padding in CSS-2
  • Step 4: Input the padding values for the H1 element. For example:
    h1 {
    background-color: beige;
    padding: 20px 100px;
How to Add Padding in CSS-2
  • Step 5: Save your changes.

The CSS Box Model

To comprehend the interaction between margins and padding in creating space around an element’s content, we can turn to the CSS box model. This model is pivotal for structuring page design and layout. In essence, each HTML element is encased within a layered box encompassing the margin, border, padding, and content.

The CSS Box Model

Applying height and width to your elements becomes more straightforward when you grasp the CSS box model. Yet, if the box model’s workings are unclear, you might encounter a disorderly layout. For further understanding, delve into our comprehensive guide on the CSS box model.

CSS Margin vs. Padding vs. Border

Within the CSS box model, the border resides between the margin and padding layers. By default, the border lacks width, but you can define it using the CSS border property.

Both margin and padding remain integral components of an element, even when no visible border is present. This image illustrates such a case:

CSS Margin vs. Padding vs. Border

For beginners, this might cause some confusion: the two content blocks lack a visible border, yet the margin and padding still apply. 

Tips When Using Margins and Padding

Tips When Using Margins and Padding

Different types of content elements can benefit from either margins or padding. When choosing between the two, consider the nature of the content. Here are additional helpful tips:

  • Responsive Grids: For creating space within columns, use padding, especially in responsive grids.
  • Vertical Stacking: Apply padding to columns if a page has vertically stacked columns on smaller screens.
  • Text, Images, and Containers: Margins add space around text, images, and container elements.
  • Consistent Spacing: Add bottom margins to ensure consistent spacing between elements.
  • Container within Columns: If a container is within a column, add a bottom margin to accommodate vertical stacking.
  • Buttons: Use margins to space around buttons, as padding can influence button styling.
  • Interactive Elements: Use margins to create space around interactive elements.
  • Page Builders: If CSS-based layout editing is complex, use a page builder for easy, code-free customization. This also ensures automatic responsiveness, simplifying design decisions related to margins and padding across various screen sizes.


Margin defines the space outside an element, affecting its positioning relative to neighboring elements, while padding controls the space within an element, influencing content placement.
Margins are ideal for creating space around elements, such as text, images, and containers. They are useful for adjusting the spacing between elements and creating consistent gaps.
The padding determines the space between an element’s content and its border. It helps add internal spacing, enhance readability, and control the appearance of content within an element.
No, padding values can only be positive. Attempting to assign a negative padding value will shrink the content area beyond its actual size.
Both margins and padding contribute to responsive design. However, padding is particularly helpful for maintaining spacing and alignment in responsive grids and stacked elements.
Padding should be used to create space around buttons, as margins might affect the button’s visual styling. Padding ensures a consistent and controlled gap around the button’s content.
Yes, page builders are tools that can assist in creating layouts without directly manipulating CSS. They provide an intuitive interface for customizing designs and automatically ensure responsiveness.

Bottom Line

Padding and margin in CSS are fundamental concepts within the box model. These elements serve specific roles and should not be added interchangeably.

Padding and margin are no longer vague technical terms in website building, especially CSS. This article presents a more profound knowledge of the two things, offering comprehensive insights and practical guidance on their proper usage.

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